Friday, 19 October 2012

Down and Dirty with Proloquo2Go

We spent the greatest part of this evening developing the communication grids for Christian, our Grade 6 student who needed assistance with communication. We had spent sometime considering what folders and buttons (the displays of language) would be needed. It took longer than I thought to get moving and I find the noise-level of our classroom distracting (my ADD was acting up). After a few false starts and with help from Barb and Anita we began on our assignment. By the end of the evening we had created what we believe to be an efficient and effective tool for our case study student. It would, of course, be easier to develop these grids if we were actually working with a student in our school. While we were able to create our own set of facts it lacks the personality of the student. I can also see the benefit of working with the student, when possible, to co-create and text out the grids to ensure that they meet the needs of the students and those with whom he or she is communicating. While our initial endeavors seemed to be very time consuming and frustrating I can see the usefulness of this app and am sure that, with practise, we would become much more efficient in developing, assessing and adapting this tool for our students. Presentations are on the 24th...should be interesting to see what the others have developed.


  1. I also found that it was difficult to fine tune the board that we were creating without the student being able to test drive it. The tech part is the easiest of the entire process, it's figuring out exactly what the student will need and want to say.

  2. An excellent point that students should be involved in the creation of their grids whenever possible. One of our biggest stumbling blocks was predicting what responses our hypothetical student would need in order to carry on a conversation: how much easier would it be to have the student's input as you are sitting together developing this new communication tool for them!
