Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Second Night

Barb started off by showing us how to create info for some people, new ideas for others. It took me a few minutes to remember how to work within the blog structure...always a good reminder of the frustration felt by our students when they are unsure what is expected of them. Barb loves the fish tank, and what good blog would have at least a few fish to feed. I enjoy the blog experience but haven't figured out yet how to use it in my daily work. Barb was also very excited about the fundraising challenge that she is sponsoring. Even if the Centre doesn't win it is great publicity for the work done by Barb and Anita for the students in our system. I haven't run across a teacher yet who hasn't heard about it at least once.
The highlight of the evening was iBook Author, an Apple app  that allows you to create your own iBooks. Barb was very energized about this and my brain couldn't keep up with her for awhile. For a quick walk through..check out this site: iBooks Author at . For a more indepth understanding you should download a free book at Publishing with iBook Author  Or, if you are a visual learner like me, watch this amazing youtube video which explains how to use iBook Author. Here are several more which address slightly different topics within the process: How to Use iBook Author in Max OS X , iBook Author Tutorial-An Overview and a much longer but easy to follow tutorial for teachers: How to Create an iBook Step by Step.
There would seem to be many uses for this application:
1. Creating curriculum based iBooks for/with students with visual difficulties by increasing the font and adapting the display settings.
2. Creating curriculum iBooks for/with students with visual difficulties using the read aloud text features.
3. Students can create glossaries for subject areas/curricular outcomes using pictures or text that can be share with other students.
4. Students can create travel-logs containing pictures and write-ups about locations visited while on vacations during the school year.
5. iBooks could be used to keep students up to date with curriculum if they are absent from school due ti illness.
6. Resource and classroom teachers can create social stories with visual and written components which can be share with other teachers.
7. Teachers can share learn from professional development activities through iBooks.
8. Students and staff can co-write/create memories books of special events.
9. Students can share their learning by creating how-to iBooks for other students.
10. Students could explore areas of interest to them or the community such as cyberbullying, community or family history, ghost stories,  Remembrance Day memories etc.
There are endless possibilities.

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