Monday, 26 November 2012

The Big Night

And now we share our work. We worked our way through the GCOs, the many possible activities students could select from, and the learning opportunities for students with special needs.  Graphio seemed to be a big hit with our classmates. Many of them work with older age students and they seemed very interested.
 Following our presentation I was able to watch a senior high anatomy presentation. They shared a couple of really neat apps:

Since I had to leave early, I decided to do a bit more research on UDL. I ordered an newly updated book:

Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom: Practical Applications (What Works for Special-Needs Learners)

I went surging in UDL land and came across this really neat poster: UDL Poster which was created by a group of students studying UDL. You can click on various parts of the poster which links you to the UDLCenter website. Lots of great information, explanations,visuals and links to other sites. 
I also learned a new term:glogster-creating interactive virtual posters. For more info, check out this site:Read Write Think 
To learn how to glog visit the Glogster Homepage or watch this video Learning Glogster 

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