Monday, 19 November 2012

Work Night

Tonight was work night! Ann and I spent the best part of the evening thinking about the elements of UDL and how we could adapt the components of the Book Report project to them. We played with a few new apps: Graphio and Stickies. We decided that Graphio provided a great graphic organizer component to the project, although we also knew we could use templates, scan them to PDFs and then use the Type on PDF app to complete the activity. We tried to consider the learning needs of the teachers and the confusion the introduction of too many apps might create for both staff and students. In the end we went with tried and true apps: Book Creator, Pic Collage and iMovie to name a few although we did decide to introduce both Graphio and Stickies as they seem to be fairly easy to work with for both students and staff. Feeling fairly comfortable that the teacher will respond positively to our suggestions. Let you know next week.

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